A new mall opened near me a few weeks ago and I have been meaning to run over to check it out but of course I haven't had anytime (until now). This Sunday I managed to head over and walk around. The bad news was I didn't make it over there till after 5pm which left only an hour (not even) of shopping time so I was going to need to be fast and effective. The good news is boy was I successful! Having only had time for three stores I managed to make a purchase in each one. The damage included: 2 jackets, 3 shirts, 1 pair of jeans, 2 pair of work pants and 2 necklaces.
It felt so good to shop, try things on, and to actually buy clothes for ME. Normally I find myself buying for others and thinking about what everyone else needs - but not today. This trip was 100% about me and it felt good. I walked out that night with four bags and a set of new outfits to wear throughout the week and that I did (outside of my boss calling out that I still had a tag on my jacket - oh yes that happened) and it felt great! I have gotten so many compliments and I really feel good on the inside and out. Its like Barbara Corcoran just said "even if I had no money; I would still buy nice cloths - as it makes me feel good"
